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Geometry inspection

Oil and gas pipelines are supposed to have an ideal design shape at the time of commissioning: a perfectly round cross-section, straight pipe sections without any reductions. However, even pipelines that have just been commissioned often already have defects such as dents or wrinkles.

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Pipelines are sometimes damaged by construction equipment before acceptance testing. Later, during operation, pipelines may be subjected to excessive loads, leading to the development of ovalities and dents, often in combination with corrosion. These defects are usually not critical to the integrity of the pipeline, but some of them can lead to the development of more significant threats, such as cracking-in-a-dent subject to dynamic loads. Geometrical defects can also be an obstacle to in-pipe operations. Therefore, geometrical defects should not be underestimated.

We offer geometry inspection services for pipelines with nominal diameters from 8” to 24”. Our multi-channel geometry inspection tools (also known as calipers) work on the principle of direct mechanical measurement - measuring arms are installed along the circumference of the caliper, and each performs an independent measurement. Any change in the internal diameter of the pipeline leads to a change in the position of an arm pressed against the internal surface of the pipeline, which is recorded  by on-board system of a caliper.

Calipers of LLC "Industria" are able to detect and measure a wide range of geometry defects and we reliably identify them in accordance with the recommendations of the forum of pipeline operators. Weld protrusions, girth welds, narrowing of the internal diameter of any type, dents, wrinkles, ovality - we will provide you with a complete database of all geometry features of the pipeline. Moreover, if we launch a caliper with an additional mapping module, we will provide an accurate three-dimensional map of the pipeline geometry profile with reference to GPS geographic coordinates, taking into account the altitude profile.

In-line geometry inspection tool

Accuracy of our in-line geometry inspection tools:

For ovalities:

Narrowing of the internal diameter of the pipe, with an accuracy of 1% of the internal diameter with a reliability = 90%
Length, with an accuracy of 10% of the internal diameter with a reliability = 90%

For dents:

Depth, with an accuracy of 1% of the internal diameter of the pipeline with a reliability = 90%
Length, with an accuracy of 10% of the internal diameter of the pipeline with a reliability = 90%
Width, with an accuracy of 10% of the internal diameter of the pipeline with a reliability = 90%